Colour Correct
Colour Analysis
Knowing what colours suit you can make life so much easier, not only can it make you look younger and healthier and have less need for make-up but it can make shopping much more focused.
It can shrink your wardrobe so that finding the right outfit becomes easier. This is because you’ll be able to build a capsule wardrobe around the colours that really suit you, instead of having an uncoordinated mix of clothes.
What’s involved in a Colour Analysis?
Inside Out
Style Consultation
I take a holistic approach to style consultation; it’s not just about the clothes you are wearing, but how they make you feel and how other people respond to you.
Your own style and image has a striking impact on how others perceive you, your own confidence and individual flair.
We are all unique and it’s important we remain confident in our skin; your wardrobe can help achieve this.
With a positive, fun and empathetic approach my promise is to help you rediscover your own style and make heads turn for the right reasons!
It’s all too easy to focus on the bits of our bodies we least like but to dress effectively you need to be aware of how everything works together – that’s the best and worst bits!
What’s involved in a style consultation?
Wardrobe Weeding
I can help sort your wardrobe so outfit selection becomes hassle free. It will involve looking at colour, style, outfit selection and wardrobe management.
However, wardrobes are very personal so you decide how long you want to spend ‘re-experiencing’ your wardrobe, finding what works well and discovering new outfit combinations.
What’s involved in a wardrobe weeding?
Dress yourself happy
Personal Shopping
As a personal shopper, my job is to take the stress out of shopping whilst ensuring you avoid the pitfalls of fashion.
Above all I will listen, be honest, resourceful and imaginative, giving you new style ideas that make sure you have the knowledge and confidence to feel fantastic.
Prior to our shopping trip I will provide a complimentary consultation so we are prepared and can make the experience fun and productive.
What’s involved in Personal Shopping?