Does my bum look big in this? 
Do you look in the mirror and ‘see’ the negative bits, the lumps and bumps, wish you had longer legs or a flatter tummy?
Well, you’re not alone! Most of us are not satisfied with what we’ve got. For example, if you’ve got curly hair you wish it were straighter, if it’s straight you yearn for wavy locks. The grass is always greener…whilst it’s human nature to feel like this, we need to focus on the glass half full instead of half empty – focus on your best features more and this will make other people notice these first.
So be kinder to yourself, dressing can be like an optical illusion and you can give the impression of being taller and leaner by how and what you wear.
Look how the vertical stripes are making her legs look longer!
Let me give you some more examples:
Where is your eye drawn? You don’t want it to be the area of your body that you feel more self-conscious about. So, if for example it’s your tummy, you want to keep everything in this area minimal – no contrast in colour and detail, as in the first picture below.
Instead you want to draw the attention elsewhere, for example, to a colourful scarf so you don’t notice the tummy area.
In this second example, you can see that the model has got great legs but most apple body shapes do! You can’t see how much weight she maybe carrying around her middle and even when she takes her coat off the scarf will be a good distraction.

Also, encourage you eye to be drawn vertically, not horizontally.
Fit and colour is key. Something just a few centimetres shorter or longer can make all the difference to the impression of your overall proportions.
Bearing this in mind I’ve picked a few of the key trends for Spring/Summer 2017 and suggest whom they might or might not suit:
Oversized jackets – can hide a multitude of sins and great if you’ve got shapely legs and can show them off with fitted trousers/jeans.
Stripes – horizontal stripes are great in tops for pear shaped individuals or those with a straight body, but if you’re very busty, it’s probably best to avoid. Also, avoid horizontal stripes in trousers unless you’re a straight or inverted triangle body shape.
Colour – you will see more vibrant colours entering the arena – yellow, orange, vibrant pink – all of which are fab but will catch the eye and you will notice these first, so make sure they are in the right place. If you don’t suit strong colours they can look great toned with neutral grey or cream.
Big earrings – perfect to balance a heart/inverted triangle face but avoid if you’ve got a heavy jawline.
The classic trench – not for the apple body shape but will work for the straight, pear or hourglass’s amongst us.
Frills – the Elizabethan touch, which will suit those with a curvy body and slender neck.
Selection from & Other Stories, Boden and Next

As always get in touch if you need more individual help!