Holiday packing and how to do it! – Whether you’re planning a week away in the sun or a weekend break in the UK, the issue of what to pack can be a dilemma. It’s easier if you are going somewhere warm but if you’re holidaying in this country you need to pack for every weather scenario. Either way, I wanted to share a few basic principles to help.
Base your clothes selection around a maximum of 4 colours, 2 neutrals and two other colours.
When making your garment selection think about what else it will go with. If it will only go with one other thing, only making one outfit choice, then it doesn’t get to go! So what about those white trousers? Whilst they can look great with your newly developing tan on a sunny rooftop terrace, as soon as you spill something down them, they’ve had it – what’s your alternative?
Accessories – a great way to add versatility to a few key outfits and create different ‘looks’. But when you’re hot and sticky are you really going to be wearing as much as you think you are? And a word of warning – mosquito repellent can play havoc with ruining costume jewellery.
Packability –
Definitely roll instead of folding your clothes. This will help prevent creasing and make much better use of the space available. It’s essential to use all those nooks and crannies – fill your shoes with undies, a prefect space for those fiddly no-show socks that can so easily get lost! The rolling method will mean your linen comes out the suitcase the other end in a much more wearable condition.
Make sure in your hand luggage you’ve got all the essentials for your first day on holiday. The idea is that if the rest of your luggage goes astray at least you can have a dip in the pool and get by. Always have your costume in there, especially if you’ve got a slightly unusual body shape, as it’s not easy to replicate this one!
If you’re heading for a family holiday, you’ll know from experience that you’re only as happy as your least happy child! And if the stats are to be believed, the average family in the UK spends just one hour a day in each other’s company so be realistic about your holiday expectations – if you’ve been up since 4am for an EasyJet flight or to avoid the motorway traffic, by 9am comfort is going to be your top priority!
As always, if I can help in any way, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Happy Holiday!
And don’t forget to tune into Radio Northampton – Wednesday 18th July 1.05pm to hear me on Helen Blaby’s lunchtime show!