Honest, Practical, Style Advice

Timeless, Ageless Style

Timeless, Ageless Style – 

How good do you reckon you are at working out someone’s age by how they dress? Do you think people get stuck in a rut and migrate to an age specific ‘look’ as they mature, instead of developing a personal style?

So many of us over 40 find it a struggle to look and feel stylish. We are stressed by the idea of shopping and easily feel overwhelmed by choice and options when we do head for the shops…what should we be wearing, what is ‘age appropriate’, how much leg can I get away with showing, I’d love to be able to wear that but scared to look like mutton dressed as lamb…yes, we’ve all been there but the good news is it doesn’t have to be like that.

Ok, to start with, stop worrying about your age, just home in on what you like. Then, what you need to ask yourself is ‘will this suit my body shape and proportions?’

To do this effectively you have to start ‘viewing’ retailers differently – not by the target market you think they are aiming for but for how they cut their patterns. Whilst this does mean you may initially have more retailers on your radar, you’ll gradually start to see trends.

Let me give you an example – I purchased my mother-in-law’s favourite blouse from Topshop. She certainly doesn’t fit into their target market but the fashion trend at the time (ditsy floral) and shape just fitted her perfectly. When she’s got it on she doesn’t look out of place because of how she wears and accessorizes it – this is what makes her look a stylish grandma, it’s not the garment ‘per se’. It’s about personal style and having the confidence to ‘own’ it and make it yours.

You should aim for a core wardrobe of quality garments that flatter your figure.

Versatility is the key to each garments success – it’s got to go with at least 3 other garments so it can ‘mix and match’ and create flexibility.

Decide what your ‘staples’ should be based around your lifestyle needs and personality.

They may look something like this:
Great fitting pair of jeans
Ankle boots
Breton top
¾ length coat
‘Smart’ trainers – these could be leather or with some interesting detail/colour
Cashmere jumper in a neutral colour
Patterned shirt/top
Knee length skirt
Distinctive piece of jewellery
Handbag that you ‘love’

Don’t rush to find these key pieces because they’ve got to last the test of time and that’s definitely more than one season. Question something that you may only be able to wear a few weeks of the year – with our British weather most things can be flexible and functional for most of the year one way or another.

If it’s a ‘trend’ item, ask yourself – will it suit my body shape and proportions? If the answer is yes, it could become part of your bespoke style.

A new purchase can give you a temporary sense of elation but it’s got to last longer than that, every time you put it on it’s got to give you a sense of positivity and confidence.

And if you ever see someone wearing something that’s on your ‘list’ and you like it, ask where they got it from. Invariably they will be flattered because you’ll be complimenting their taste.

So what are you looking for?

The answer:

1. Finding pieces, colour, cuts and fabric that work for you.

2. Learn to look at pieces in a different way.

3. Building a wardrobe where each piece has multiple uses.

Enjoy the art of dressing effectively and as always if you need any help, don’t hesitate to get in touch and have a chat! But hurry because from April to September I’ll be on a sabbatical, so get in touch soon so you don’t miss out! During this time I will be contactable via email for advice but not for personal consultations.

Or for more helpful styling tips why not follow me  https://www.facebook.com/LesleyClarkeStyleAdvisor
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© Copyright Lesley Clarke 2017