Honest, Practical, Style Advice

Beating the Covid-19 Blues

What to wear this spring – 

With all the concerns we’ve been experiencing around Coronavirus I would understand that shopping and spring trends may be the last thing on your agenda but for when things improve here’s the heads up on what’s new.

The big change is in the colour palette. There are loads of pastel shades out there with lavender being out ahead, so if you have ‘spring’ or ‘summer’ colouring now is the time for you to shop with success. This time of year, pastels normally kick in, think sherbet hues of ice cream sorbet, pistachio green, bubble gum pink, buttery yellow – all sugar sweet shades.

But let’s stop a minute and rewind to think about how to approach trends. As soon as you see the item on Instagram, or in magazines, instead of thinking ‘I need this’, watch the trend bubble and see what happens. Then when you think it might have moved into iconic status, think about how useful it would be to add to your wardrobe. You want to make sure it’s a trend that sticks around (a bit like chunky biker boots). Buy smarter and work with what you’ve already got.

If you’ve got your wardrobe sorted and an idea about what your style is, then you can just update your wardrobe with one or two well thought out key pieces each season – pieces that will last the test of time and have a lasting impact on your capsule wardrobe. A sustainable wardrobe is one that will last and not need major overhauls and this is what you should be aiming for. However, if you do need a few pieces right now to get your wardrobe to this point here are my thoughts…

The spring/summer 2020 catwalks were notably more commercial that usual, with a focus on classic legacy buys rather than whimsical and artistic creations. The word ‘realistic’ was the overarching theme. Another buzzword for spring 2020 was ‘wearability’, for example, classic cut denim, fitted blazers, crew neck jumpers and the faithful cardi. One of the most in-demand items for spring was the simple blue oxford button-down shirt, and the odds are that you’ve probably already got one in your wardrobe or something similar.

Boundaries between seasons are also becoming much less defined – the spring/summer 2020 collections further highlighted the need to build a capsule wardrobe that you can wear all the year round.

Other things to keep your eye out for:

  • Big shirt collars – ensure your collar is sufficiently sized to go comfortably over a blazer or jacket.


  • The jacket – it’s smart, yet cool and brightens up your attire if you go for one of the spring pastels.


  • Culottes – the variation on trousers. Wear now with your knee length boots before it gets too warm then revert to trainers.


  • Statement sleeves – yes, it’s still fashionable to have bellowing, puffy, floaty or flared sleeves.


  • Tiered dresses – for maximum twirl-ability, which can hide a multitude of sins.


  • Bermuda shorts – the new length to wear your shorts and there are lots of suit versions around too!


  • Polka dots are also a big trend at the moment, following in the footsteps of the popular Zara spotty dress that went viral last year.


























Selection from Mango



So I hope these ideas might help you beat the coronavirus blues but remember – ‘love it madly, need it badly or put it back’!

And just to let you know, I’m on a six month sabbatical! I’ll still be around for you to email me with any of your questions or queries but unfortunately won’t be available for private consultations until October. When I’m back I’ll be launching a new Adult Education course in Northamptonshire to help people build their capsule wardrobe and to shop sustainably – watch out for more details!

For more helpful styling tips why not follow me  https://www.facebook.com/LesleyClarkeStyleAdvisor
or Instagram: lesleyclarkestyleadvisor


© Copyright Lesley Clarke 2017