New! Online Services.
What have I been up to during this second Covid lockdown?! Well, I’ve been busy using the time to transfer several of my services online to meet the needs of the current restrictions we face. This has the added advantage of extending my services to anyone in the world! I am initially focussing on two areas, Colour Analysis and Wardrobe and Style Review.
Online colour analysis. If you have a sneaking worry that some colours may not be right for you or perhaps you’re a little scared of colour and want to deviate from black but don’t quite know which direction to go in, then this in-depth course could be just for you. It allows you to explore what colours suit you best and which to avoid in this virtual consultation. Wearing the right colours to suit your natural skin tone, hair and eyes can lift your features, making you look younger and healthier. Who wouldn’t want that?!
The online process is comprised of 4 parts. Firstly, it involves you sending me some photos in advance. I’ll give you some simple guidelines of what is required. Secondly, I undertake a rigorous and detailed analysis to arrive at the best colour palette for you and then arrange a zoom consultation to discuss my thinking. In this third stage I will go through the analysis with you in detail explaining the differences certain colours make and giving you a full presentation so that you can see how it all works. When you see for yourself what a difference some colours can make against your face you’ll be amazed!
Finally, I will send you your fabric swatch of all the colours that are in your season. In stage three we will have discussed how to use this effectively as well as how to adapt your wardrobe to your colour palette, the use of makeup and best hair colouring. Armed with all this information, you’ll be able to make informed choices about picking the right colour to lift your mood and make you look fabulous.
This online service is available for just £99.
Online style and wardrobe review. This review is the perfect antidote for a bulging wardrobe that doesn’t quite work as effectively as you would like. Key to this service is understanding more about your body shape and what will work best for your bodily proportions.
As a special introductory offer into online styling I’m providing a combined style and wardrobe review which is followed up with a full personalised written report for a price of only £99, available until the end of February 2021. This will allow you to benefit from my services without having the anxiety Covid has introduced into our lives. We will access what styles and shapes are going to suit your body shape and identify what works best in your wardrobe and why. We will also consider what key pieces you might be missing to develop a capsule wardrobe based around your personality, lifestyle needs and budget.
If you are interested in any of my new online services then please don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out more. There is of course now no geographical restrictions on experiencing any of my services. Please also feel free to pass this information onto anyone you think may be interested.
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or Instagram: lesleyclarkestyleadvisor