Honest, Practical, Style Advice

Elevating your style

Elevating your style – time to raise your game?







We are now a month into 2023, how’s it been? January isn’t an easy month to get through, the weather is still miserable, you’re probably been cutting back from your Christmas excesses to fit into your clothes and have good intentions to get to the gym more often this year. And what about those New Year resolutions – how are they going? It’s no wonder some of us suffer from the January blues.

But hope is on the horizon, the days are gradually starting to get longer and there’s the occasional whiff of spring in the air.

And we can all feel a bit better about ourselves by just taking a few simple steps like embracing a pop of colour or wearing something that makes us feel confident. Just by going that extra mile and doing a little planning instead of reaching for the joggers that are on the chair from yesterday. It sometimes requires a bit more thought and effort but it’s surprising what a difference it can make and if you get a compliment then you know it was worthwhile and helps spur you on to go further.

Sometimes this means stepping out of your comfort zone to challenge yourself and that’s the goal I want you to set yourself for February – try something a bit different – if you don’t normally wear much colour opt for something a bit brighter or make sure you put on at least one accessory if you don’t normally bother. It could be a scarf or necklace or just change your earring from the ones you put in every morning without thinking, or what about some lipstick?

Experiment with your wardrobe and try an outfit combination you haven’t worn before. If you’re not sure about it, take a photo. This can often help because it gives you a different perspective and can therefore help you decide if it’s a winner. Or you can always ping it over to me for an opinion if you want.

To get inspiration use resources like Instagram and Pinterest to see what other people are doing or follow a few of your favourite retailers to see how they are styling their clothes.

Also, mix it up a bit. For example, if you usually go shopping on your own, plan to have a trip out with a friend. It’s always good to get someone else’s perspective and ideas. And don’t stick to the same retailers, visit some that you wouldn’t normally go into, you’ll be surprised what little gems you might find.

If you feel you’re stuck in a bit of a style rut, pick up the phone and have a chat, I’ll help you transition your style in a way that’s contemporary, age appropriate and in keeping with your lifestyle.


© Copyright Lesley Clarke 2017