Honest, Practical, Style Advice

Spring into action…It’s time to review your wardrobe!

What’s your wardrobe currently looking like? Does it need some attention?

If it looks anything like this, you’re going to struggle to find style inspiration and outfit easily.










It looks like all that rain is behind us and the warmer weather is here to stay, certainly if this week’s anything to go by. So it’s a good time to have a sort out of your wardrobe to make sure you’re prepared for the summer months ahead. This will help you to dress with ease each morning and make sure you get some pleasure from your wardrobe!

So, what should you be doing? Certainly not making any new purchases until you’ve assessed what you’ve already got. Decluttering your wardrobe can also be the key to unlocking a more sustainable and mindful approach to your style. Reviewing and organising your wardrobe regularly also reduces decision fatigue, which can be a problem if you’ve purchased too many unnecessary items.

We’ve all been there – standing in front of a wardrobe full of clothes but feeling uninspired. But the truth is, most of us have plenty to wear and lots have more clothes than we need. After all, there are only 7 days in each week to wear what we have…

If you haven’t had a sort out for a while this task might seem a bit daunting, so find a time when it works for you – when you’re not going to feel guilty for abandoning another task or going to be interrupted my other demands on your time.

Ideally, you need to take everything out of your wardrobe – and I do mean everything – that includes your shoes, bags, and accessories! And it’s going to involve a lot of trying on. You need to check how a garment fits and makes you feel. If in doubt, take a picture and ask for a second opinion. This can help you learn more about your personal style, how you want to look each day and helps you explore new ways of wearing your clothes. Have fun with your accessories, these can make all the difference to your style and an easy way to elevate your look.

I’m sure many of you will have heard of Marie Kondo – the celebrity organising expert – and here’s where you follow her advice – ‘Does something bring you joy?’ If so, there’s no question it’s going to go back in your wardrobe, but if it doesn’t, if it no longer fits you or hasn’t been worn in over a year, why would you want to keep it? It needs to be allocated to one of the 3 piles you create:

  1. Sell
  2. Pass onto a friend or organise a clothes swap
  3. Donate

Your 4th pile will be for altering – for those garments that need to be tweaked to best suit you or need that repair to give them longevity. If you are creative or good with a sewing machine, think about upcycling. Turning those old jeans into a denim bag or apron, or that blouse you never wear into a cosmetic bag. Check out https://www.stephthannhauser.com/ for all sorts of sewing courses from beginners to one to one’s. Steph is a great champion of recycling and upcycling and she’ll give you loads of creative ideas and inspiration.

Her next 6 Week Beginners Course starts on Tuesday 14th May. It’s an evening class 7 – 9.30pm.
More info and booking here:
And you can get an exclusive 10% off as one of my newsletter subscribers with code – LESLEY10OFF

Alternatively, if you feel that class is too soon she is running a Sewing Machine Beginners Day class on Sunday September 8th 10.15 to 4pm. For more info and booking here:
Again, use code – AUTUMN10OFF to get discount.

I’m no sewer, apart from the odd button and repairing a seam, but I had fun using some old jeans to make a water bottle holder – it took no time at all, and no sewing machine needed!

Did you know that by extending the life of a garment by just 9 months, it can reduce it’s water, waste and carbon footprint by 20-30%.

When you put back the items in your wardrobe you want to keep, make sure they are ready to wear – ironed, no missing buttons or loose hems. Organise one garment to a hanger and in categories – tops, bottoms, dresses, etc. Fold your knits to stop them stretching on a hanger and make sure you use some type of moth repellent for your favourite jumpers.

Most of us wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time. So, a tip for you that I think is really useful is to hang your clothes with the hangers all facing the same way. Then, when you wear an item and hang it back again, flip the hook. You can then easily assess what you’re not wearing and can then explore why.

Having a wardrobe sort out can be cathartic and liberating. And as always, if you need any help, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


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© Copyright Lesley Clarke 2017